About ISI


How it all started

Over the past 20 years, business partners Joe Haddad and Nick Dadas, along with Nick’s father George and Nick’s brother George, Jr., have shared spiritual and professional resources with each other. They continually sought to learn, grow, and expand their faith. But in their search for help in these areas, they wanted something that offered more than the blogs, articles and coaching programs they came across…something that would address all areas of their lives in relation to their faith. They knew what areas of life men needed to keep in check and knew many like-minded men who wanted to live up to their God-given potential - men who were willing to learn together and grow together. They knew that this growth process required other men who could help them set their course. In 2018, they had an idea to launched an event called Iron Sharpens Iron. (Based on Proverbs 27:17 - Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. NASB)

The idea

The ISI (Iron Sharpens Iron) Life® is an ongoing journey for men who are in pursuit of an extraordinary life. Like iron that can sharpen another piece of iron, men challenge other men to grow and develop in the areas of Faith, Family, Fitness, Faculty, and Finance. We do not view the sharpening process as a one-time event, but a journey through the seasons of life. The ISI Life® is where men will inspire other men; at retreats, in small groups, through peer accountability, and with mentoring and coaching. ISI also enlists experts from each of the 5F’s to deliver their content at retreats, on ISI podcasts and through personal resources. We challenge all potential participants to commit to one full year in order to develop habits for success, establish communal relationships, and to gain momentum toward a life of excellence. The year of commitment will involve quarterly 24-hour retreats, quarterly virtual 1-hour check ins, coaching, peer accountability and camaraderie. At The ISI Life® we do this to serve you. We charge only what it costs to provide the retreats and resources necessary to sharpen men. Our main motivation is to obey the commandment of Jesus, “to go into all the world and make disciples, teaching men to obey all Jesus has commanded us to do.” Will you join us on this journey?


Focus on five areas: Faith, Family, Faculty (gifting), Fitness and Finances.

Challenge men to make their faith the center of their lives, rather than a compartment for their Sunday morning worship or weekly Bible study. Make faith the center of the wheel, not just a spoke of the wheel.

Create an environment where each man could develop how faith would play out in his life.