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Our Mission:

We exist to help others achieve excellence within the 5 disciplines of Faith, Family, Faculty, Finance & Fitness—with faith at the center.

“Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” — Proverbs 27:17

Recent Podcast Guests


We understand how the grind of life can be exhausting and throw you off course from what matters most.

When did you have a chance to pause and consider… Who am I becoming? Am I living with purpose? Am I being the impactful person I was created to be? Time is flying by, how do I make the most of my life?


The ISI Life™ is an ongoing journey for men who are in pursuit of
an extraordinary life.

In the same way that iron can sharpen another piece of iron, ISI men challenge other men to grow and develop in the areas of faith, family, faculty, fitness, and finance.

We do not view the sharpening process as a one-time event, but a journey through the seasons of life. The ISI Life™ is where men inspire other men; at retreats, in small groups, through peer accountability, and with mentoring and coaching.

ISI enlists experts from each of the 5F’s to deliver powerful, life-changing and engaging content at retreats, on ISI podcasts and through personal resources. We challenge all potential participants to commit to at least one full year in order to fully develop habits for success, establish life-giving relationships, and gain momentum toward a life of excellence.

The year of commitment will involve 24-hour retreats, monthly Stay Sharp Saturday with 1-hour check-ins in a virtual setting, coaching, peer accountability and camaraderie. At the ISI Life™ we do this to serve you. We charge only what it costs to provide the retreats and resources necessary to sharpen men.  Our motivation is to obey the commandment of Jesus, “to go into all the world and make disciples, teaching men to obey all Jesus has commanded us to do.”  Will you join us on this journey?


Join us online each month for an hour of connecting and sharpening


ISI-5 F Checklist Handout-square.jpg

Download our FREE Big 5 Assessment today!


Top Reasons to Attend an ISI Retreat



on the man you are becoming with specially designed workbooks to guide you.


by seasoned experts in the areas of Faith, Family, Fitness, Faculty, and Finance.


build meaningful friendships with other men to combat the isolation that can make us dull.


on what matters most so you move through life with purpose instead of just drifting along.



with a 24 hour break away from work, family, and life’s many other responsibilities.


with incredible lodging, 3 amazing meals, snacks, and beverages provided throughout both days.


Calling men who…

…desire to improve themselves and others.

…don’t have all the answers.

…place a high value on personal growth.

…are open to or pursuing Christian faith.

…desire to live an impactful life.

Are you ready?


ISI Impact

We are grateful to God for the impact ISI has made in men’s lives to this point. And we continue to desire to see men make strides in their spiritual, mental, physical, emotional and financial lives. None of us are great men but we serve a GREAT God! And together we can do great things!



Total Men & Women impacted


men attended at least 1 retreat


Email subscribers


podcast downloads


Guest Speakers


ISI Members baptized

Wheel of Life


Rather than Faith being just another spoke  in our wheel of life, we believe that Faith should rest at the center of our lives. In its proper place, our relationship with God properly informs and impacts every other area of our life. 



To be the men that God has asked us to be, we need to assess how we lead and love our families and foster our key relationships. These are our responsibilities and it’s up to us to make sure that our relationships are healthy and honoring to God. Begin building your legacy today!


Each of us has been blessed with unique talents that only we can offer the world. Discovering our talents and developing them to benefit those we live with, work with and work for is so important.  


It’s not about us - but it starts with us! Our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit and how we manage this temple can be an act of worship. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle allows us to be our best for everyone around us. 


God has provided each of us resources to to provide for our families, further His work in the world and build a legacy for the future. We are His stewards. 


Don hunter, ISI Attendee

I am continually amazed at how God designed us to live in community and be sharpened by one another as the Proverb goes. 

Read Full Testimonial